music & video

the alter eagles on video

st mary magdalene church, 2024

Here's the whole of Hotel California from a recent live performance at St Mary Magdalene Church in Cobham, Kent. Thanks so much to Ana and Sevie at Two Women Events for putting on the gig and for the way they bring live music to Cobham throughout the year. Do check out their website at Two Women Events. And thanks to them for the video. 

Cranleigh Arts Centre, 2024

A compilation from a very special concert featuring the Spectre String Quartet from the Cranleigh Arts Centre in July 2024. The addition of the strings allowed the band to include more of the big ballads in the set and this compilation features just some of them - Wasted Time, New York Minute and Heart of the Matter - along with songs from the standard set like Witchy Woman, Desperado, Boys of Summer and Hotel California. Hope you enjoy this taster. 

b.o.a.t. Brighton, 2022

Hats off to David Joel for sending in these video clips from our gig at the lovely Brighton Open Air Theatre, back in July this year. We've cobbled them together and think they give you a good idea of what it was like to enjoy a sunny, summer's evening in the company of friends and family to the soundtrack of some of the best country rock songs ever written.  Compilation includes Life in the Fast Lane, New Kid in Town, Take it Easy, Dirty Laundry, Boys of Summer, Heartache Tonight and - just - One of These Nights.

ropetackle, shoreham, 2022

Thanks to Alice Durman for filming some of our set at the Ropetackle Arts Centre in Shoreham in 2022 and then taking the trouble to edit it and pass it over to us. It was a great night and this little compilation captures some of the fun. Features clips from Tequila Sunrise, One of these Nights, Rocky Mountain Way, Heartache Tonight, Victim of Love, Boys of Summer and Hotel California.

legends of rock 2022

This is a video shot from the side of the stage so doesn't quite capture the full sound of the band. Lots of fun though and some nice snippets from Take it to the Limit, One of These Nights, Boys of Summer and Hotel California. Note, this gig featured guest guitarist David Miles. 

touchline live - 2019

Sometimes it's nice to let two guitarists take a duet on something that isn't Hotel California. So here's Jay and Mike soloing on an older Eagles' classic - Already Gone, from the the On The Border album. The venue is the Touchline Live gig at Hockey in Essex. Always a great gig. Take it away guys...

Norden Farm Centre for the Arts

When the stage is big enough, the Alter Eagles sometimes play with a string quartet. Here's the fabulous Spectre Quartet soundchecking Wasted Time Reprise from the Hotel California album at Norden Farm Centre for the Arts, September 2019.

live at the komedia, brighton

Here's the band playing the Komedia in Brighton, June 2011. Thanks to everyone who came along but especially to the guy who spent the entire evening dancing at the front in a full Morph suit (you know who you are). Great night and one of the best (well, loudest) audience singalongs on Take It To The Limit we've ever had.

live at the chichester festival

This compilation was put together of the band playing the Chichester Jazz and Real Ale Festival in the summer of 2010. Great venue and a real music loving crowd. We were on the Beach Boys Smile and the two bands worked really well togehter. The video features returning lead vocalist Sam Confrey along with Colin Moore (guitars, vocals) Jay Stezaker (guiars, vocals) Alan Tomkins (keys, guitar, vocals) Rob Beattie (bass, acoustic guitar, lead vocals) and Paul Sampson (drums and percussion).
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