
you've bought the cd - now connect with the band

The Alter Eagles take a bow
You've arrived at this page because you've scanned the QR code that comes with our Live in the UK CD. Thanks for doing that - we really appreciate it. Now you're here, there are all sorts of other ways you can connect with the Alter Eagles and we've listed the main ones below. We hope to see in person - or virtually - soon!

gig list

Find out when the band is playing at a venue near you and buy tickets for a show.

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find us on facebook

Find the Alter Eagles on Facebook and connect with the band.

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video library

Check out videos of the band playing live at venues all across the UK.

See the band in action


Buy t-shirts, CDs and more from our online store today.

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follow us on instagram

Follow the Alter Eagles on Instagram and then connect with the band.

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meet the band

Say hello to Steve, Al, Mike, Ed, Rob and Glenn - the Alter Eagles.

Say hello to  the band
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